0ctf 2022 nft market


0ctf 2022 NFT Market

这是一个失败的赛后复盘,在比赛中没有做出来这道题目,赛后询问了出题人 @tkmk ,才知道这次的题目关键点在于一个solidity 8.16版本之前的bug。


pragma solidity 0.8.15;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

contract TctfNFT is ERC721, Ownable {
    constructor() ERC721("TctfNFT", "TNFT") {
        _setApprovalForAll(address(this), msg.sender, true);

    function mint(address to, uint256 tokenId) external onlyOwner {
        _mint(to, tokenId);

contract TctfToken is ERC20 {
    bool airdropped;

    constructor() ERC20("TctfToken", "TTK") {
        _mint(address(this), 100000000000);
        _mint(msg.sender, 1337);

    function airdrop() external {
        require(!airdropped, "Already airdropped");
        airdropped = true;
        _mint(msg.sender, 5);

struct Order {
    address nftAddress;
    uint256 tokenId;
    uint256 price;
struct Coupon {
    uint256 orderId;
    uint256 newprice;
    address issuer;
    address user;
    bytes reason;
struct Signature {
    uint8 v;
    bytes32[2] rs;
struct SignedCoupon {
    Coupon coupon;
    Signature signature;

contract TctfMarket {
    event SendFlag();
    event NFTListed(
        address indexed seller,
        address indexed nftAddress,
        uint256 indexed tokenId,
        uint256 price

    event NFTCanceled(
        address indexed seller,
        address indexed nftAddress,
        uint256 indexed tokenId

    event NFTBought(
        address indexed buyer,
        address indexed nftAddress,
        uint256 indexed tokenId,
        uint256 price

    bool tested;
    TctfNFT public tctfNFT;
    TctfToken public tctfToken;
    CouponVerifierBeta public verifier;
    Order[] orders;

    constructor() {
        tctfToken = new TctfToken();
        tctfToken.approve(address(this), type(uint256).max);

        tctfNFT = new TctfNFT();
        tctfNFT.mint(address(tctfNFT), 1);
        tctfNFT.mint(address(this), 2);
        tctfNFT.mint(address(this), 3);

        verifier = new CouponVerifierBeta();

        orders.push(Order(address(tctfNFT), 1, 1));
        orders.push(Order(address(tctfNFT), 2, 1337));
        orders.push(Order(address(tctfNFT), 3, 13333333337));
        //                                     100000000000

    function getOrder(uint256 orderId) public view returns (Order memory order) {
        require(orderId < orders.length, "Invalid orderId");
        order = orders[orderId];        

    function createOrder(address nftAddress, uint256 tokenId, uint256 price) external returns(uint256) {
        require(price > 0, "Invalid price");
        require(isNFTApprovedOrOwner(nftAddress, msg.sender, tokenId), "Not owner");
        orders.push(Order(nftAddress, tokenId, price));
        emit NFTListed(msg.sender, nftAddress, tokenId, price);
        return orders.length - 1;

    function cancelOrder(uint256 orderId) external {
        Order memory order = getOrder(orderId);
        require(isNFTApprovedOrOwner(order.nftAddress, msg.sender, order.tokenId), "Not owner");
        emit NFTCanceled(msg.sender, order.nftAddress, order.tokenId);

    function purchaseOrder(uint256 orderId) external {
        Order memory order = getOrder(orderId);
        IERC721 nft = IERC721(order.nftAddress);
        address owner = nft.ownerOf(order.tokenId);
        tctfToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, owner, order.price);
        nft.safeTransferFrom(owner, msg.sender, order.tokenId);
        emit NFTBought(msg.sender, order.nftAddress, order.tokenId, order.price);

    function purchaseWithCoupon(SignedCoupon calldata scoupon) external {
        Coupon memory coupon = scoupon.coupon;
        require(coupon.user == msg.sender, "Invalid user");
        require(coupon.newprice > 0, "Invalid price");
        Order memory order = getOrder(coupon.orderId);
        IERC721 nft = IERC721(order.nftAddress);
        address owner = nft.ownerOf(order.tokenId);
        tctfToken.transferFrom(coupon.user, owner, coupon.newprice);
        nft.safeTransferFrom(owner, coupon.user, order.tokenId);
        emit NFTBought(coupon.user, order.nftAddress, order.tokenId, coupon.newprice);

    function purchaseTest(address nftAddress, uint256 tokenId, uint256 price) external {
        require(!tested, "Tested");
        tested = true;
        IERC721 nft = IERC721(nftAddress);
        uint256 orderId = TctfMarket(this).createOrder(nftAddress, tokenId, price);
        nft.approve(address(this), tokenId);

    function win() external {
        require(tctfNFT.ownerOf(1) == msg.sender && tctfNFT.ownerOf(2) == msg.sender && tctfNFT.ownerOf(3) == msg.sender);
        emit SendFlag();

    function isNFTApprovedOrOwner(address nftAddress, address spender, uint256 tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {
        IERC721 nft = IERC721(nftAddress);
        address owner = nft.ownerOf(tokenId);
        return (spender == owner || nft.isApprovedForAll(owner, spender) || nft.getApproved(tokenId) == spender);

    function _deleteOrder(uint256 orderId) internal {
        orders[orderId] = orders[orders.length - 1];

    function onERC721Received(address, address, uint256, bytes memory) public pure returns (bytes4) {
        return this.onERC721Received.selector;

contract CouponVerifierBeta {
    TctfMarket market;
    bool tested;

    constructor() {
        market = TctfMarket(msg.sender);

    function verifyCoupon(SignedCoupon calldata scoupon) public {
        require(!tested, "Tested");
        tested = true;
        Coupon memory coupon = scoupon.coupon;
        Signature memory sig = scoupon.signature;
        Order memory order = market.getOrder(coupon.orderId);
        bytes memory serialized = abi.encode(
            "I, the issuer", coupon.issuer,
            "offer a special discount for", coupon.user,
            "to buy", order, "at", coupon.newprice,
            "because", coupon.reason
        IERC721 nft = IERC721(order.nftAddress);
        address owner = nft.ownerOf(order.tokenId);
        require(coupon.issuer == owner, "Invalid issuer");
        require(ecrecover(keccak256(serialized), sig.v, sig.rs[0], sig.rs[1]) == coupon.issuer, "Invalid signature");



题目逻辑还是很简单的,实现了一个简易版本的 nft market。

完成题目需要获得 1, 2, 3 号nft,这些 nft 是属于题目合约的(1属于 nft 合约本身,不过不影响),并且在最开始就被放入了市场中,价格分别为1,1337,133333333337.



purchaseTest 属于一个后门,其逻辑如下:

function purchaseTest(address nftAddress, uint256 tokenId, uint256 price) external {
        require(!tested, "Tested");
        tested = true;
        IERC721 nft = IERC721(nftAddress);
        uint256 orderId = TctfMarket(this).createOrder(nftAddress, tokenId, price);
        nft.approve(address(this), tokenId);






  1. 搞出来一堆erc20,但是题目合约最多就1337个,token合约虽然给自己mint了一堆,但是没有其他操作,所以不可行。

  2. 改价格:1. 在交易过程中改 2. 通过coupon

  3. 直接给转出来,没看到有能利用的点





  1. safetransferFrom:没用,每次调用都是在交易末尾,重入没有意义。
  2. purchaseTest的approve:可以构造一个假的nft,重写approve逻辑进行重入,但是问题是,我们的目的是改变3的价格,对于3的order,只有其owner可以创建,那么唯一的机会就是在test里面,那么nft的地址就必须是题目的地址,那么久没法改approve进行重入。如果上来就给假的nft地址,那么这一切都毫无意义,不可行。
  3. verifyCoupon的ownerOf:由于purchaseWithCoupon 函数调用 verify 前后没有对conpon的order进行一致性校验,那么按理说我们就可以通过在verifyCoupon函数中做一些操作改变order数组结构,也就是使得签名验证和后续的购买出现偏差,使得可以低价购入3号nft。(正确思路确实要用到这里,但是并不是上述的思路)



经过一天多的折磨和思考,由于题目逻辑比较简单,能够攻击的点能想的基本都想了,解决1和2好弄,但是对于3,最终的出的结论就是 verifyCoupon 这个函数肯定是解决问题的关键(赛后证明确实如此,只不过我不知道正确的做法),原因有如下几个:

  1. 别的方式不可能成功拿出来3
  2. 签名逻辑很奇怪,没有ethsign的前缀(无伤大雅)
  3. 后续验证有问题,没有考虑0地址(ecrecover的v如果不是27或者28返回值会是0)
  4. 为什么要加个变量限制只能调用一次?
  5. 结构体中的reason可以无限长(当时只是觉得很奇怪,其实关键点就在这里)
    function verifyCoupon(SignedCoupon calldata scoupon) public {
        require(!tested, "Tested");
        tested = true;
        Coupon memory coupon = scoupon.coupon;
        Signature memory sig = scoupon.signature;
        Order memory order = market.getOrder(coupon.orderId);
        bytes memory serialized = abi.encode(
            "I, the issuer", coupon.issuer,
            "offer a special discount for", coupon.user,
            "to buy", order, "at", coupon.newprice,
            "because", coupon.reason
        IERC721 nft = IERC721(order.nftAddress);
        address owner = nft.ownerOf(order.tokenId);
        require(coupon.issuer == owner, "Invalid issuer");
        require(ecrecover(keccak256(serialized), sig.v, sig.rs[0], sig.rs[1]) == coupon.issuer, "Invalid signature");
        function purchaseWithCoupon(SignedCoupon calldata scoupon) external {
        Coupon memory coupon = scoupon.coupon;
        require(coupon.user == msg.sender, "Invalid user");
        require(coupon.newprice > 0, "Invalid price");
        Order memory order = getOrder(coupon.orderId);
        IERC721 nft = IERC721(order.nftAddress);
        address owner = nft.ownerOf(order.tokenId);
        tctfToken.transferFrom(coupon.user, owner, coupon.newprice);
        nft.safeTransferFrom(owner, coupon.user, order.tokenId);
        emit NFTBought(coupon.user, order.nftAddress, order.tokenId, coupon.newprice);




那么会不会是ecrecover的实现问题?唯一能找到的和这个函数的实现有关的问题就是samczsun的这篇博客:https://samczsun.com/the-0x-vulnerability-explained/ 不过关系不大,就算是有memory的overlap问题,那overlap也发生在函数最末尾,而且是在verifier的memory内,对于market没有影响。






赛后问了出题人@tkmk,给出的答复是:Head Overflow Bug in Calldata Tuple ABI-Reencoding。




struct Order {
    address nftAddress;
    uint256 tokenId;
    uint256 price;
struct Coupon {
    uint256 orderId;
    uint256 newprice;
    address issuer;
    address user;
    bytes reason;
struct Signature {
    uint8 v;
    bytes32[2] rs;
struct SignedCoupon {
    Coupon coupon;
    Signature signature;





pragma solidity  0.8.15;
struct Order {
    address nftAddress;
    uint256 tokenId;
    uint256 price;
struct Coupon {
    uint256 orderId;
    uint256 newprice;
    address issuer;
    address user;
    bytes reason;
struct Signature {
    uint8 v;
    bytes32[2] rs;
struct SignedCoupon {
    Coupon coupon;
    Signature signature;
contract Verifier{
    address public issuer;
    address public recovered;
    function verifyCoupon(SignedCoupon calldata scoupon) public {
        Coupon memory coupon = scoupon.coupon;
        Signature memory sig = scoupon.signature;

        Order memory order;
        order.nftAddress = address(0);
        order.tokenId = 0xdeadbeef;
        order.price = 0xcafebabe;
        bytes memory serialized = abi.encode(
            "I, the issuer", coupon.issuer,
            "offer a special discount for", coupon.user,
            "to buy", order, "at", coupon.newprice,
            "because", coupon.reason
        recovered = ecrecover(keccak256(serialized), sig.v, sig.rs[0], sig.rs[1]);
        issuer = coupon.issuer; 


contract caller{
    Verifier public verifier;
    Coupon public cp;
    constructor(address v){
        verifier = Verifier(v);
    function purchaseWithCoupon(SignedCoupon calldata scoupon) public {
        Coupon memory coupon = scoupon.coupon;
        require(coupon.user == msg.sender, "Invalid user");
        require(coupon.newprice > 0, "Invalid price");
        cp = coupon;
    function test() public{
        Coupon memory c;
        c.orderId = 0xdeadbeef;
        c.newprice = 1;
        c.issuer = address(0x123456);
        c.user = address(this);
        c.reason = 'lalalalalaallalalalaalallalalalalalalalaalaalalala';
        SignedCoupon memory scoupon;
        scoupon.coupon = c;

        Signature memory sig;
        sig.v = 17;
        sig.rs[1] = bytes32(0);
        sig.rs[0] = bytes32(0);

        scoupon.signature = sig;



pragma solidity  0.8.15;
struct Order {
    address nftAddress;
    uint256 tokenId;
    uint256 price;
struct Coupon {
    uint256 orderId;
    uint256 newprice;
    address issuer;
    address user;
    bytes reason;
struct Signature {
    uint8 v;
    bytes32[2] rs;
struct SignedCoupon {
    Coupon coupon;
    Signature signature;
contract Verifier{
    address public issuer;
    address public recovered;
    Coupon public c;
    function verifyCoupon(SignedCoupon calldata scoupon) public {
        Coupon memory coupon = scoupon.coupon;
        Signature memory sig = scoupon.signature;
        Order memory order;
        order.nftAddress = address(0);
        order.tokenId = 0xdeadbeef;
        order.price = 0xcafebabe;
        bytes memory serialized = abi.encode(
            "I, the issuer", coupon.issuer,
            "offer a special discount for", coupon.user,
            "to buy", order, "at", coupon.newprice,
            "because", coupon.reason
        recovered = ecrecover(keccak256(serialized), sig.v, sig.rs[0], sig.rs[1]);
        issuer = coupon.issuer; 


contract caller{
    Verifier public verifier;
    Coupon public cp;
    constructor(address v){
        verifier = Verifier(v);
    function purchaseWithCoupon(SignedCoupon calldata scoupon) public {
        Coupon memory coupon = scoupon.coupon;
        require(coupon.user == msg.sender, "Invalid user");
        require(coupon.newprice > 0, "Invalid price");
        cp = coupon;
    function test() public{
        Coupon memory c;
        c.orderId = 0xdeadbeef;
        c.newprice = 1;
        c.issuer = address(0x123456);
        c.user = address(this);
        c.reason = 'lalalalalaallalalalaalallalalalalalalalaalaalalala';
        SignedCoupon memory scoupon;
        scoupon.coupon = c;

        Signature memory sig;
        sig.v = 17;
        sig.rs[1] = bytes32(0);
        sig.rs[0] = bytes32(0);

        scoupon.signature = sig;




